Blacklist feature

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Blacklist feature

Post: # 13319Post SonnyHudson »

You should implement a Block feature on this forum. So that the blocked/blacklisted person can't see your posts and replies, and therefore comment on them.

Unfortunately there are miserable people out there who want to spend their time trolling and defaming others (due to jealousy or personal hate towards them for example). Sadly, ignoring those miserable people won't work because they'll keep trying to alienate others against you while you're being silent, hoping that the Universe will take care of them. It will, of course - all errors must be paid for - but the troll's target will also suffer for doing nothing when being under barrage of carefully crafted personal attacks. Since such trolls are not highly evolved spiritually, they've got an edge too, for they can use evil, dirty tricks that a normal and spiritual person just can't allow himself to.

I hope the people who run this forum will take this matter seriously.

Thank you in advance!
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Re: Blacklist feature

Post: # 13320Post ronald »


There is the non-violent 'foes' function in the profile page. Adding a person to one's Foe list will make those posts hidden for you when you are logged in. Perhaps use it to enter a period of rest and reflection.

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