The New and Right Way of a Just Organization of Society - Manifesto

Do you want to change our current monetary system? Do you want to be involved in a project to INSPIRE billions of people by providing CONTRAST through EXAMPLIFYING yourself that a prosperous civilisation can be founded based on UNIVERSAL LAWS?

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The New and Right Way of a Just Organization of Society - Manifesto

Post: # 13334Post SonnyHudson »

Manifesto of the spiritual way of organizing society, based on the book by Michel Desmarquet - Thiaoouba Prophecy. Knowledge of reincarnation, the purpose and workings of the universe plays the key role in correctly choosing the leaders of the country and organizing a society, in which justice will reign.

In the event something happens to my YouTube channel, This Manifesto is also available in my free eBook "Simple Truths of Life". You can find it here:

Google Drive: ... sp=sharing
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OneDrive:!Anl5ZHEE1Y79gwzhLPr ... L?e=jKEIZf
"Faith is never perfect but knowledge is" - Thao
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