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Ello ello

Post: # 9575Post Trygon »

Ello ello Thiaooubalists (is that the correct term).

I be Trygon. I herald from England.

So I was looking through the Internet randomly when I came across the Thiaoouba FAQ.

Now I never knew about the existence of this thing so you can only guess what my reaction was.

It was endless laughter.

And after that I wanted to find out more about this whole thing, so I looked through the site. It was all completely ridiculous in my eyes and still is today, but it was when I got my copy of the Thiaoouba Prophecy, downloaded, and read through it that I really got interested in it. A great story. This Desmarquet fellow knows how to write a good scifi fiction, but it still came off to me as a fiction.

Now I wandered if anyone believed this thing so I found this place after a google search.

I do not believe in this whole thing, nor do I shun it. I am merely curious. I am a strong Christian and will be one till death, so no trying to convert me or I'll 'ave you for shanks.

I do believe I can contribute to this forum since you only seem to get shunned, since after reviewing all the comments about this whole thing on other sites I have come to the conclusion that they are done by the same person that posted up this place in the site. An example of this is the book on Amazon where every single positive comment was done by the guy that posted the book up, just under a different name each time. You can tell because every one of these fake accounts only posted a comment once. Now I can help merely because I am not a shunner, nor a believer and I can help you dudes and dudettes what is going on with the topics and the opinions of other people.

Also I will talk in the general discussion board so try to think of me as a friend.

Live long and prosper.

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Post: # 9577Post Essene »

Welcome Trygon, I'm glad you find some amusement from this book, from your point of view the very notion that Jesus died on the cross to prove that consciousness is immortal rather than to save everybody from their sins would be hilarious.

Thank you for joining our discussions, we are in essense the same. We both believe in works that can be considered utterly fiction but cannot really prove anything until we have experienced it ourselves.
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Post: # 9584Post shezmear »


Dude,Dude....Dude...... it’s hard to know were to start with you, since your mind is so made and your so sure of your self, you ride in on your white stallion full of self importance and covert put downs,

Mate, what do you think you can offer here?

You think I need to chat with you?

I can find people like you anywhere on this planet, dime a dozen

Apart from making misguided statements, which one has to enter into the exhausting process of explaining things to someone who already has there mind so made up….

For Christ sakes if what you know is all true, then just go live it out, I/we don’t need a savior,


There is about 5 to 6 active members sent on forum, it is with out a doubt one of the smallest forums on the net, were just a group of guys who chat, no be deal…

Ho, ya, Hey welcome to the golden planet forum...

Christian, fundamentalist !!!
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Post: # 9588Post Essene »

If he was so sure he wouldn't be here, he is human like us all and does not possess complete knowledge of all that is in the universe without a doubt. I hope you can learn from this forum Trygon as you obviously have some doubt about your faith no matter how much faith you think you have. In the end that is all you will have, faith, not so good as knowing is it?

Do you want to live your whole life based on a reality which can't be tested until your dead as you await heaven or hell. I'm afraid there are more alternatives. There could be oblivion....you could also be reincarnated (which is evidently what Jesus himself taught but is otherwise known as resurrection.)

I doubt that you just happened to stumble upon Thiaoouba FAQ in order to have a laugh, you were looking up something which I doubt was anything to do with how correct your bible is. This shows me as I've said before that you might be re-evaluating your belief system which is a healthy process, my advice is to not stop.

Shezmear has a habit of being frank and saying what we probably all think and it is true that this forum would not benefit at all from a self deceived Christian fundamentalist, it is only you who stands to gain from the discussions on this board if you so choose and I hope you do.
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Post: # 9627Post Zio »

Hi Trygon! We're not "Thiaooubalists" :P Just people who chat about stuff >_> The first thing I thought when I read your post is that you seem to have problems (not big ones) writing English. Just wondering, what other languages do you speak? And you said that you were an Herald... Herald like this? Or does it mean something else?

Strong Christian... Ah I know that feeling... thinking that what I believe was absolute :P My entire family is Christian, so everything I knew was Christianity. But I've read some books that make me question what life is. Then I discovered TP. And it seems so logical, so philosophical. If I have read it right away when I was still a 'strong Christian', I think I wouldn't be here now. And that's maybe your case, Trygon. There was a really big difference in 'belief', so that's why you say what you're saying about TP. The second error I did is to belief that TP and TFOC (the freedom of choice, if you haven't read it yet) was the absolute truth, like what I did with christianity. But you have to know that TP is only the basic... that it's relatively absolute :wink: So I'm not a "Thiaooubalist". Just some random person who thinks... Anyway, I know exactly what you're feeling now and why you do so :)

I've read on your profile that you're a Student and a "Volantary Scout Leader". I'm also a student and a scout! I don't know if the rules are the same at your place, but you must be old enough to be a scout leader :P How old are you exactly? I'm just a Venturer (you know what I mean :P). And also, RPing means Role-Playing, right? What kind of games do you play? Or does RP stand for something else?

So, welcome to the forum, fellow Christian! 8)
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Post: # 9638Post shezmear »


thats gold....
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Post: # 9655Post Robanan »

Welcome Trygon,

I can assure you noone here will ever try to convert you from christanity, there's simply nothing to convert you to, if you know what I mean. Other than that, gather up patience and sharpen your intellect, your arguments and comments are going to be matched by people more experienced than you in life and more knowledgable in various fields of science and philosophy.

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Post: # 9775Post TempUser »

This seems related to the topic and I'm quite sure that Trygon would ramble the same kind of nonsense.

How would one respond to this message?
Quoted from blind Christian

Actually, Jesus is the way, THE TRUTH, and the life, no one can reach heaven except through the Savior of the world. You may think Jesus is an imaginary figure, but He is God in human form, who really came to the world to save us from our sin. Everyone sins and needs Someone to save them so they do not ***. That Someone is Jesus who died on the cross and was raised from the dead three days later. All of the evidence in the world backs that up.
I always here EVERY Christian say this. It's like an Automatic response to every thing I say in relation to god. Even if it makes no sense they still accept it as truth. SO how would you respond to convince them to open their eyes and to use their heads?
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Post: # 9782Post Essene »

Even if you had a perfect retort hardcore Christians whose religion teaches them that faith is the ultimate virtue will just believe that what their religion tells them is true even if they have accepted the logic of your argument and the illogical problems of their religion. When something like a religion is based on illogical assumptions then logic cannot help.

They will just think that any evidence against their religion is a simple test of faith sent from above.

Even with the best argument and evidence who will only reach those think logically and have doubts as to the validity of Christianity, those people for whom faith will never be enough, for those who want more than just word of mouth and writing out of a book to base their reality on.
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Post: # 9785Post shezmear »

AaronNZM wrote:This seems related to the topic and I'm quite sure that Trygon would ramble the same kind of nonsense.

How would one respond to this message?
Quoted from blind Christian

Actually, Jesus is the way, THE TRUTH, and the life, no one can reach heaven except through the Savior of the world. You may think Jesus is an imaginary figure, but He is God in human form, who really came to the world to save us from our sin. Everyone sins and needs Someone to save them so they do not ***. That Someone is Jesus who died on the cross and was raised from the dead three days later. All of the evidence in the world backs that up.
I always here EVERY Christian say this. It's like an Automatic response to every thing I say in relation to god. Even if it makes no sense they still accept it as truth. SO how would you respond to convince them to open their eyes and to use their heads?
Don’t try to convince them, as soon as you try and rob another of there choice naturally that will resist you, in fact if you want to make them really Christian I mean really, try and change them, they will dig their heels in so deep, they will make it their mission to stay Christian...and fight with you of course…
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I know long post throw people off. But Please read!!!!

Post: # 9786Post TempUser »

Essene wrote:Even if you had a perfect retort hardcore Christians whose religion teaches them that faith is the ultimate virtue will just believe that what their religion tells them is true even if they have accepted the logic of your argument and the illogical problems of their religion. When something like a religion is based on illogical assumptions then logic cannot help.

They will just think that any evidence against their religion is a simple test of faith sent from above.
That's an interesting way to express the truth behind faith. I couldn't have explained it better myself. There are some people though, who can see past faith. I heard of this hardcore Christian who actually began to question his religion and the faith that blinded him from using logic, as soon as he saw part1 of ZeitGeist. Specifically it was the part that revealed the creation of their saviour was most likely due to mistranslated astrological text...or something to that extent...but there was more to it than that.

I understand what you are saying. But I think there is a way around that blinding faith. This story of the "awakened" Christian is true and I use it as an example to show how to atleast influence a change but to not really ENFORCE anything as to not compromise their freedom of choice. I believe there are still ways to save people from self destruction without breaking any laws of the universe nor even bending them. I'm just trying to understand what & how it convinced him to open his eyes...
(This is not a purpose of religious bashing...trying to constructively criticize here)

Ok so I have another question, but this one is related to Atheism.
A religion that claims it IS based on logic, when in fact that is not completely true.

While Christians are stuck on the belief that Jesus is the way and/or the "Truth".
By accepting this attitude, to us, they appear to be blinded by faith, to them they see no other way.

Atheist are stuck on the belief that there is no god
By accepting this attitude, they appear to us(or to me atleast) to be blinded by mainstream contemporary science, and what they consider to be complete logic.
To them they see no other alternative other than the evidence that they limit their understanding of life to. To them it is simply logic and nothing more.

I hope you see the similarities that are in effect when compared to aspects of faith in religion. Anyway, here is the question I mentioned.

How do you tell an Atheist that there IS A GOD?

IMO a religion that isn't based on god, but purely science and so called "logic", is among some of the worst religions out there. Any statement that sounds influenced by religion will more than likely throw them off and close their mind in a bias manner that prevents learning of valuable info. (Pretty ironic how this "religion" is actually contradicting the concept of religion-yet it is categorized as one could that be to the fact thatit has the same blinding effect?). Most of them believe they are being logical by accepting god doesn't exist. Because to them, the evidence points to the fact that there is no god(this is weird for me because I used the same defense toward to the blind Christian and said that the same fact is true for Jesus .... I felt myself an Athiest at the moment).
I'm not sure what scientific evidence has mislead them.

But everything around them points to quite the opposite assumption.
If they would use what logic is there for good purposes, I think they would find that GOD is there, but the manifestation of the creator is more materially existant in this dimension than the creator. Where as the creator may be more....intangible(conscious)? Maybe that's why Atheist don't believe in it's existence. Because they rely too heavily on material evidence...? Hmm..as much as it might seem I answered my own question...I didn't and I feel confused so if anyone can provide any more input it would be great...if anything I said made sense that is.
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Post: # 9795Post Essene »

Aaron I can see you wish to learn how to change peoples mind and help them see the light so to speak. I myself undertook this a while ago trying to spread the message which I myself benefited so much from. I met with much frustration as I typically dealt with people of both blind believers of religion and blind believers of the non existence of God. Most of these people are set in their ways and actually do not want to be helped. Most atheists see it as an attack on their intelligence when somebody tries to teach them about a creator as they look down smugly on all the blind believers of faith.

I myself believe that everybody in the world should logically adopt the view of agnostic until they find the truth, the world would be a much more tolerant place.

Although I believe in a creator I have not been proved without a doubt to be right, there are other things I can consider. Such as maybe the true reality of the universe is too complicated for humanity to ever understand, maybe the universe did just suddenly pop into existence for no reason at all because whose to say what I think is logical holds. Although these ideas ultimately lead no where so I have preferred to stick to the path of believing there is a creator and to advancing my consciousness as that has worked for me.

Maybe being an atheist works for people at a certain time of their lives, same as being religious. Some people just need to believe in things like horoscopes, as sick as it makes me feel to see any type of horoscope I cannot deny people their choice.

In the end I probably haven't answered your question but I'm just warning you that you will encounter much frustration when with the best intentions you try to open peoples eyes and they throw it back into your face.

As Jesus said "Do not try to remove the splinter from the persons eye before you have removed the log in your own".
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Post: # 9796Post Essene »

Anyway if you wish you can use these links to help persuade or at least make believers and non believers like question their beliefs.

http://evolutionoftruth.com/ ( you may even like to take the quiz yourself to further your own understanding.)

http://www.alternativescience.com/ ( many interesting things on this site)
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.

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