Hello each and everyone,
I just got approved as a new member and wanted to sort of introduce myself... to give some context to whatever else I post. In my view its some what irrelevant who be the messenger telling the truth, so long as the message be the focus at hand and each and all recognize the message. Know that my intentions are true and noble and as I stated in a post I sent towards being accepted: "KNOW that I am a legitimate human being with noble intentions to dialogue and jointly explore the text (I have read it from beginning to end), what it espouses and a bit more. Of course there is no proof that I can provide you to legitimize what I state... you will either believe me or believe whatever it is you choose to believe likely believing the story you create to justify your choice... whichever that may have been... Hope you see how this also applies to Michel's story...
Please know that I hold to believe that our individual singularity both sets us apart and unites us all... thus to me a level 1 and a level 9 world both happen to share the fact that each still need some steps to 'ascend'... and thus are the same and are different.... I am not quite comfortable with the idea of 'ascending' being the right word to use... to me the spirit, the body, the mind and a bit more collaborate to enrich each other... without needing to go anywhere... We be more than the sum of the parts. I made some notes while reading the book and send them to Tom, though have not gotten any responses. I am not concerned with the book being a real or fictional text for ultimately its quite irrelevant if we desire to dialogues about the ideas, beliefs and what else it cultivates... and what we each think about it and what we finds useful and dangerous. Wonder if memebers of the forum will welcome a frank dialogue in a respectful manner that becomes a springboard to personal and cultural transformations. I guess time will allow us to observe what takes place... (snipped)--- Pleas know that what you believe to be can liberate you or enslave you... and you probably already knew that...
Moderator: Moderators
Re: ET-1
Welcome ET-1,
Don't be a stranger, make yourself at home. You'll find some topics to be quite enlightening. Please do share your end of spiritual experiences, if they are important for the Great Spirit then they are an inspiration for us.
Don't be a stranger, make yourself at home. You'll find some topics to be quite enlightening. Please do share your end of spiritual experiences, if they are important for the Great Spirit then they are an inspiration for us.
The essence of Consciousness, is the ability to Create, Process, Transmit and Receive Information Autonomously.
Re: ET-1
Thanks for the kind words... there are lots of interesting topics here... Personally I been sort of dealing with two key important spiritual realizations and how best to inspire each to embrace 'what be the better way'... In a nutshell: 1- Disregard the original temptation 2- do what be best to do independent of actually knowing what be best. In essence these two deal with the same issue of resolving what to do while unable to actually differentiate what appears to be because it be from what appears to be just because it appears to be... I see this play out in countless ways and forms and wish that each and everyone always embraced 'what be the better way' ... whatever that way may happen to be .-)...
Personally I believe to have integrated this in a rather elegant way though the difficulty seems to be in sharing it... especially in light of what others hold... Thus the dilemma of how to inspire each to embrace 'what be the better way'... The other day someone said to me 'I can't know the way because the map is wrong, its upside down!' It seems rather strange and sort of funny to me that they never considered that 'the map was right and they just could not rotate it to make it more understandable... I see this sort of thing take place countless of times in different forms and wished to have an effective means to help see things straight... as I have said in other places twist the twisted just so to straighten it all...
Cordially et-1
Thanks for the kind words... there are lots of interesting topics here... Personally I been sort of dealing with two key important spiritual realizations and how best to inspire each to embrace 'what be the better way'... In a nutshell: 1- Disregard the original temptation 2- do what be best to do independent of actually knowing what be best. In essence these two deal with the same issue of resolving what to do while unable to actually differentiate what appears to be because it be from what appears to be just because it appears to be... I see this play out in countless ways and forms and wish that each and everyone always embraced 'what be the better way' ... whatever that way may happen to be .-)...
Personally I believe to have integrated this in a rather elegant way though the difficulty seems to be in sharing it... especially in light of what others hold... Thus the dilemma of how to inspire each to embrace 'what be the better way'... The other day someone said to me 'I can't know the way because the map is wrong, its upside down!' It seems rather strange and sort of funny to me that they never considered that 'the map was right and they just could not rotate it to make it more understandable... I see this sort of thing take place countless of times in different forms and wished to have an effective means to help see things straight... as I have said in other places twist the twisted just so to straighten it all...
Cordially et-1