Matt wrote:Shez, this is the mentality that the book warns of. When they help, the helped become helpless.
Yeah I hear what you are saying.I made a two long posts recently were I kind of outlined my mind set on it.
I personally don`t expect help in the sense they should come out of the sky and start cleaning up. I don`t think the problem is that hard to think our way through. However, there is a war for people's attention .Having good ideas is not enough. You need cooperation. Look I think this thing/planet is doomed to fail.
I don`t want it to but if I stand back and look at it there is nothing on the horizon that will change people's behaviour bar some sort to visitation from ETs to wake people up
There is a hypnotic humdrum to life on this planet. Knowing who won the super bowl or hockey or who is in rehab is pointless on a few levels. People fighting to stay alive so they are so distracted by trying to survive day to day so they can`t think anything else is equally as absurd.
However, you can`t take any form of combined intelligent action without something out of the ordinary. The majority of people on this planet just do whatever everyone else is doing. Their stuck in a system of sorts.
If you want to expand peoples intellect, you need to take the roof off the room that is their mind. You need to expand. You can`t do that without evidence.
So evidently you have ETs doing research, hell they even call them selves spy`s. Who are they hiding from?.
Just think about that for a minute…why hide?
Their very presence in the physical is the very thing that can bring people out of the darkness.
Why hide?
It might be the very thing that it does not make sense which is a proof of something else. Most things in life make sense.
Consider this…Why abduct people?
Hell you could talk someone on Sunday tell them you will be back in 7 days for free rides in a UFO people would come in the thousands to see. They would even donate their sperm and eggs for a good cause if you explain to them why. But you need to talk to them not steal them off the face of the planet.
Why abduct someone do some hack job hypnosis which does not always work traumatise the hell out of them then send them back to their life…disturbed.
The simple answer is because you’re an ***….
The way you relate to someone is a demonstration of what you understand about them. Abduction is traumatic and careless and thoughtless for the person that is being abducted.
If I said to you lets go get some girls tonight…we will abduct them…what would you think?
Considered how you would related to someone if you were going to abduct them.
They see us as a monkeys in a zoo….I can on one level see from a limited understanding how you can conclude that. But I also know people can be both inspired and educated …even though they are inherently Lazy and appear to be stupid.They are corrupted by their primitive instinct but some can be inspired out of that.
For the most part we are nothing more then what we have been exposed to….they have basic and primitive instincts but you can expand on that. You have to.
Try never exposing someone to a book and reading ..then telling they are dumb because they can`t read.
People wonder why UFO`s are taboo...the UFOs have done a pretty good job of trying to stay hidden.
By their deeds shall you know them.