Hi Yothu,You mean, neg's or negative influence or even an advanced person can only get grip of yourself if you are weak and play with the thought to abandon your life? Depressive thoughts weaken your psyche very much. I experienced depressive moods for two or three months this winter and almost commited suicide because I had nobody to talk to and furthermore I did not understand how to get rid of those depressing thoughts and moods, how to energize myself.
It was really more an example and I doubt the validity of that particular story. In essence - I think that most people are effected by there own particular frame of mind. I guess that it is up to the individual whether they choose to be influenced by anyone else.
Telepathy is a learned skill and I agree with all you wrote on it. My girlfriend and I experience it all the time.
Did you examine why you were depressed, what conditions existed. How did you eventually get over the depression. Can these answers prepare you better for next time?