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Yes, that is true. But then explain me why the Thiauoobans are hermaphrodites?? As far as i can tell they dont have sex, only with themselves.
This is the way i see it:
The reason that we are not hermaphrodites is because we need to learn to live in harmony. Most people dont like other people simply because other people think different, they act different, they have different opinions and a different perspective.
The Creator, as genius as he is, made a world where you NEED to love someone else in order to survive, as a society. You need to agree with each other on millions of things, including how to raise a child, before you can even start a decent civilization.
You see people change when they have a partner. They are more in harmony. They show less aggresive behavior. This is because they HAVE to. If they dont, there partner will go to someone else who does.
The whole love thing is basically respecting both your me's, your male me and your female me.
This is the way i see it:
The reason that we are not hermaphrodites is because we need to learn to live in harmony. Most people dont like other people simply because other people think different, they act different, they have different opinions and a different perspective.
The Creator, as genius as he is, made a world where you NEED to love someone else in order to survive, as a society. You need to agree with each other on millions of things, including how to raise a child, before you can even start a decent civilization.
You see people change when they have a partner. They are more in harmony. They show less aggresive behavior. This is because they HAVE to. If they dont, there partner will go to someone else who does.
The whole love thing is basically respecting both your me's, your male me and your female me.
Don't read my signature.
The identical question has been already asked in the book in the abovementioned Chapter 13:Alisima wrote:Yes, that is true. But then explain me why the Thiauoobans are hermaphrodites??
So one of the big reasons why they are hermaphrodites is the increased range of sexual sensations possible.'Thao, is there a reason for your all being hermaphrodites?'
'Yes, and it is important, Michel. I was surprised that you didn't ask that question sooner.
You see, as we exist on a superior planet, all we have that is material is also superior, as you have seen for yourself. Our various bodies, including the physical body, must also be superior, and in this domain, we have progressed as far as it is possible to progress.
On our planet, with bodies that are both male and female, we can achieve, at will, the sensations, both male and female. Of course, this brings us a much greater range of sexual pleasure than if we were mono-sexual.
No, they have sex and mate with each other, not with themselves. I can get Tom or Meanwell, people who personally know and are in contact with Michel to this day, to confirm this fact, if you want.Alisima wrote:As far as i can tell they dont have sex, only with themselves.
Do you REALLY practice meditation? If your REALLY do, do you practice a GOOD method? Are you sure this is REALLY so?
So you are saying that such all-pervading love always ends in a while?
I am saying that intense feeling that I have been referring to is not actually love!
Maybe I am a hopeless idealist, but I do believe in achievable long-term intense fulfilling love between a male and a female.
The idea of intense is very subjective. Blown out of sky infatuation is very intense from my observation and I have no doubt a few of people here had experienced such sensation. I cannot relate feeling of blissfullness as intense. Roller coaster is intense. Love which is intense is like taking an emotional roller coaster because you are expericing a varieties of sensation which can be high in the sky and then deep down into the earth deepest trough. It is all consuming! Blissful is the key! .....increasingly blissful fullfiling love....As long as your thoughts, desires and dreams are compatible, love can continue indefinitely. I do not think that love is possible to continue without a conscious effort on the part of both partners, in fact, I think that a lot of effort in needed, but it is quite possible and very desirable, IMHO
That's why I am skeptical of the concept of twin flames where the "love" is sparked. Conscious effort is no doubt needed to slowly move the relationship to higher and higher bliss. Do you know why there are so many unhappy couples? Most of them surely experience that first intense feeling. A lot of people mistaken it as love which is not. In gay relationship, numberous gay people are chasing such intense feeling to satisy themselves. When they think they are not experiencing such feeling a year or two, they broke up and find another one. They are making the greatest mistake of finding real love. Of course, in a heterosexual world, the child is resulted from such intense feeling which creates a ' responsibility bonding' for them even after they fall out from the intense feeling and if conscious effort is not taken, the couples will never feel real love with each other but only duties as a farther. Any feeling that becomes a DUTY, is not love.
I rather go slowly to a newer high than to have that kind of spark that have seen in moulin rouge which is often logically blinding..... I dont think the creator wants to experience love which is blind. Hence, my skeptism.
P.S When I am talking about love I am not talking about spiritual love. The love which see no boundary of gender, race, sexuality, education... Besides how many times you can have sex per day? Why not concentrate on the depth of meaning of non-physical connection in a relationship. The depth of meaning carries with you all the time whether the person is here alive or with you or just away from you. It takes time, intelligence, sincerity, understanding to create such depth of meaning. What is the relationship mean to you? Why is it so important? What happen if you don't have one for the rest of your life? These questions are so important to both parties before creating a relationship which is blissful.
But such an intense feeling can be a byproduct of genuine love, not just infatuation, can't it? Anyway, achieving blissfullness is indeed the final aim of love, but you cannot deny that the intensity of love itself does have a direct relation to achieving blissfullness. There must be a certain intensity of feeling -- without which bliss is impossible, and another higher intensity of feeling that maximizes bliss. I do not want to say that "soul mates" cannot achieve bliss, but because of the better compatibility of "twin flames", the latter are the ones capable of maximizing bliss.bomohwkl wrote:Vesko wrote:So you are saying that such all-pervading love always ends in a while?
I am saying that intense feeling that I have been referring to is not actually love!
The idea of intense is very subjective. Blown out of sky infatuation is very intense from my observation and I have no doubt a few of people here had experienced such sensation. I cannot relate feeling of blissful as intense. Roller coaster is intense. Love which is intense is like taking an emotional roller coaster because you are expericing a varieties of sensation which can be high in the sky and then deep down into earth deepest trough. It is all consuming! Blissful is the key! .....increasingly blissful fullfiling love....
OK, just to clarify, I don't think that such an intense feeling has to spark immediately between perfectly matching couples, and indeed in most cases first intense feelings, whatever they are, blind the person experiencing them, so all such feelings must be carefully examined, and if harmful, stopped and disregarded. It all boils down to how clever the person is. So I don't disagree with anything you said in the above paragraph, and as you can see, I don't agree with everything from the article about soul mates and twin flames.That's why I am skeptical of the concept of twin flames where the "love" is sparked. Conscious effort is no doubt needed to slowly move the relationship to higher and higher bliss. Do you know why there are so many unhappy couples? Most of them surely experience that first intense feeling. Conscious effort, conscious effort. I rather go slowly to a newer high than to have that kind of spark that have seen in moulin rouge which is often logically blinding..... I dont think the creator wants to experience love which is blind. Hence, my skeptism.
I maintain that there is a distinction between soul mates and twin flames and that the twin flame relationship can maximize bliss, because it allows for greater love between couples than a soul mate relationship. I also maintain that bliss, be it between soul mates or twin flames, can be achieved on a regular basis during the whole duration of one's adult life but requires substantial mutual commitment from both partners. And that it is possible, after a certain amount of living with each other, soul mates to "evolve" to twin flames, if the effort is right and time permits.
Sexual love is spiritual, too, only of a different type, the rest being asexual spiritual love.P.S When I am talking about love I am not talking about spiritual love. The love which see no boundary of gender, race, sexuality, education...
Do you REALLY practice meditation? If your REALLY do, do you practice a GOOD method? Are you sure this is REALLY so?
Unfortunately, from my experience and observations and understanding of people I can't attritute the intensity of feeling between couple as a sign of true love. Infatuation itself is very intense if you ever experieced. It is truely intense and so many have got hurted. However, it is a step forward to learn what is real love if lessons of the past are learned. Without truely experince real love once, it is hard to figure out how it is feel. Intense it something i doesn't attritute as a quality of love, overwhelming, probably, inspirational yes. Isn't logically blinding? Isn't feeling extremely happy??? At this writing, i found out that it seems to be a good reason to meet the higher-self consciously to have a grasp of understanding and sensation of love. At least the child can compare and contrast the sensation of earthly love the child have experience on earth and hopefuly learn how to know what sensation is true love and and aim for it. We never experience the blissful love before, how can we aim for it? It think it is a very good motive.But such an intense feeling can be a byproduct of genuine love, not just infatuation, can't it? Anyway, achieving blissfullness is indeed the final aim of love, but you cannot deny that the intensity of love itself does have a direct relation to achieving blissfullness. There must be a certain intensity of feeling -- without which bliss is impossible, and another higher intensity of feeling that maximizes bliss.
I did ask Michael Meanwell just in case, and here is his verbatim answer that he permitted me to share:Alisima wrote:Nono, i believe you. It was my misinterpretation of the book. I see it now.
My recollection (sorry, it's not something we spent a lot of time on nor something I thought a lot about) of Michel's words are that they do indeed have sex with each other and reproduce "naturally". There are not, however, a lot of children on the planet. I also recall Michel saying that because they have both sexual organs they experience a much fuller sexual experience than we do (meaning, they experience orgasm as both a man and a woman - and at the same time). That was the most fascinating thing I recall Michel telling us. I don't have any knowledge regarding self gratification.
Do you REALLY practice meditation? If your REALLY do, do you practice a GOOD method? Are you sure this is REALLY so?
OK, I agree that it's difficult to talk definitively about true love without having experienced it. I have been saying things based more on deep intuition, rather than on a real experience. I would think that past lives would be also a great resource of help to better understand the nature of love.bomohwkl wrote:Unfortunately, from my experience and observations and understanding of people I can't attritute the intensity of feeling between couple as a sign of true love. Infatuation itself is very intense if you ever experieced. It is truely intense and so many have got hurted. However, it is a step forward to learn what is real love if lessons of the past are learned. Without truely experince real love once, it is hard to figure out how it is feel. Intense it something i doesn't attritute as a quality of love, overwhelming, probably, inspirational yes. Isn't logically blinding? Isn't feeling extremely happy??? At this writing, i found out that it seems to be a good reason to meet the higher-self consciously to have a grasp of understanding and sensation of love. At least the child can compare and contrast the sensation of earthly love the child have experience on earth and hopefuly learn how to know what sensation is true love and and aim for it. We never experience the blissful love before, how can we aim for it? It think it is a very good motive.
Do you REALLY practice meditation? If your REALLY do, do you practice a GOOD method? Are you sure this is REALLY so?
So how do you find love?? True love that is.
First of all it starts with yourself. You need to be lovable. You need to be on a "level" where you can experience true love.
And that is it!!
I think that everyone ATTRACTS the kind of love they want. If you are not happy with what you attract perhapse you should rethink with what you want.
If you delevop yourself to a level where you can experience true love. You will GET it. Simply because you are what you are.
It is "The Law of Attraction".
First of all it starts with yourself. You need to be lovable. You need to be on a "level" where you can experience true love.
And that is it!!
I think that everyone ATTRACTS the kind of love they want. If you are not happy with what you attract perhapse you should rethink with what you want.
If you delevop yourself to a level where you can experience true love. You will GET it. Simply because you are what you are.
It is "The Law of Attraction".
Don't read my signature.
Love is a feeling, if you feel love... it's true!
There is a difference between Loving and being Loved; each is a different experience. The same way as other feelings i.e. to hate and being hated;
It is true that the way one experiences love depends directly on the level of intellect of the person. At every stage of the intellectual development of the person the level of satisfaction gained from a unit of experienced love; changes. So the person may call an experience of love to be "true love" while considering another experience of love to be "untrue/impure"
Either way the person has long to learn "what is Love?"
One can never be sure that a person is 100% able to feel and experience love consciously even if the person is considered to be very smart. People have to and need to actually LEARN both how to Love and how to be loved.
It's a very delicate case it depends on the intention of each individual involved in a love experience; sometimes you blow up a relationship just because you think you have to love all the time and forget to allow your partner to love you. Sometimes you may do the opposite. So far the hardest thing for me was to keep a relationship without losing my integrity. To learn how to start a relationship was a lot easier.
Some parents make children to love them, Some other make childern to be loved by them. In both cases arise a lot of paradoxes.
If it seems like I'm saying: "love is like a business". You can imagine it like this only if you want to consider your partners. Because like in any businees You have to take care about who and how good your partners are.
After many many pleasent and unpleasent experiences I understood that I should...
give my love for free to anyone who accepts it and accept love whenever it comes my way. I consider not to give up my integrity and respect the freedom of choice and integrity of others, providing my partner is intelligent enough to understand why integrity, individuality, freedom, and sanity should not be compromised. I don't go out teaching the concepts but rather, I focus on detecting them in potential partners through observation of the intellectual qualities of the person.
Considering all what I said I want to conclude that there is no other "true love" out there to experience other the one love you actually experience everyday. The more you understand yourself sincerily the better the experience of love. The reason is that eventually you would come to understand other things (Other people, animals, plants, Universe) better. And your experiences of love become magnified and multiplied.
There is a difference between Loving and being Loved; each is a different experience. The same way as other feelings i.e. to hate and being hated;
It is true that the way one experiences love depends directly on the level of intellect of the person. At every stage of the intellectual development of the person the level of satisfaction gained from a unit of experienced love; changes. So the person may call an experience of love to be "true love" while considering another experience of love to be "untrue/impure"
Either way the person has long to learn "what is Love?"
One can never be sure that a person is 100% able to feel and experience love consciously even if the person is considered to be very smart. People have to and need to actually LEARN both how to Love and how to be loved.
It's a very delicate case it depends on the intention of each individual involved in a love experience; sometimes you blow up a relationship just because you think you have to love all the time and forget to allow your partner to love you. Sometimes you may do the opposite. So far the hardest thing for me was to keep a relationship without losing my integrity. To learn how to start a relationship was a lot easier.
Some parents make children to love them, Some other make childern to be loved by them. In both cases arise a lot of paradoxes.
If it seems like I'm saying: "love is like a business". You can imagine it like this only if you want to consider your partners. Because like in any businees You have to take care about who and how good your partners are.
After many many pleasent and unpleasent experiences I understood that I should...
give my love for free to anyone who accepts it and accept love whenever it comes my way. I consider not to give up my integrity and respect the freedom of choice and integrity of others, providing my partner is intelligent enough to understand why integrity, individuality, freedom, and sanity should not be compromised. I don't go out teaching the concepts but rather, I focus on detecting them in potential partners through observation of the intellectual qualities of the person.
Considering all what I said I want to conclude that there is no other "true love" out there to experience other the one love you actually experience everyday. The more you understand yourself sincerily the better the experience of love. The reason is that eventually you would come to understand other things (Other people, animals, plants, Universe) better. And your experiences of love become magnified and multiplied.
The essence of Consciousness, is the ability to Create, Process, Transmit and Receive Information Autonomously.
From the year 2005 New York Times article "God (or Not), Physics and, of Course, Love: Scientists Take a Leap" publishing the answers of scientists asked what they believe but cannot prove:
I found the original source -- here is a direct link from the "Edge Annual Question 2005": Buss
Psychologist, University of Texas; author, "The Evolution of Desire"
True love.
I've spent two decades of my professional life studying human mating. In that time, I've documented phenomena ranging from what men and women desire in a mate to the most diabolical forms of sexual treachery. I've discovered the astonishingly creative ways in which men and women deceive and manipulate each other. I've studied mate poachers, obsessed stalkers, sexual predators and spouse murderers. But throughout this exploration of the dark dimensions of human mating, I've remained unwavering in my belief in true love.
While love is common, true love is rare, and I believe that few people are fortunate enough to experience it. The roads of regular love are well traveled and their markers are well understood by many - the mesmerizing attraction, the ideational obsession, the sexual afterglow, profound self-sacrifice and the desire to combine DNA. But true love takes its own course through uncharted territory. It knows no fences, has no barriers or boundaries. It's difficult to define, eludes modern measurement and seems scientifically woolly. But I know true love exists. I just can't prove it.
Do you REALLY practice meditation? If your REALLY do, do you practice a GOOD method? Are you sure this is REALLY so?
I've never had true spiritual affinity with the opposit sex, but I believe I do with my mom.Vesko wrote: That said, has anyone of you managed to meet a person of the opposite sex that he/she has true spiritual affinity with? The search here has been futile so far... I'm not in a rush, desperate or anything like that, but I definitely intend to do what it takes to find that person.
I don't believe in the half soul theory for the reasons mentioned and also because I think it's possible to have true spiritual affinity with more than one person in a lifetime and definately more than one sex. love isn't limited by numbers or genders.
soul mate?
Is this where you can find a soul mate?
pg 77 (TP-ebook)
‘The Fourth force had a very important role to play: it had to bring to fruition
all that the Spirit had imagined. It ‘inserted’ thus, an infinitesimal part of the Spirit
in the human body. This comprises what you could call the Astral body, which
forms one ninth of the essential human being and consists of one ninth of a
‘Higher-self’, which is sometimes called ‘overself'. The Higher-self of man is, in
other words, an entity which sends one ninth of itself into a human body, becoming the person’s Astral being. Other physical bodies are inhabited,
similarly, by other ninths of the same Higher-self and yet each part remains
integral to the central entity.1
‘Further, the Higher-self is a ninth part of a superior Higher-self which, in turn,
is a ninth part of a more superior Higher-self. The process continues as far back
as the source, and allows the enormous filtration of spiritual experience required
by the Spirit.
1. ‘central entity’ - it means that each of us shares a Higher Self with 8 other people on
Earth - explanation of the Author on Editor’s request.
2. What is known on Earth as Spiritual Healing, can be achieved with the help of the
Higher-self of the healer, without the patient being present. Providing the patient gives
permission, the competent healer can assist the patient from anywhere in the world.
(Author’s comment) This is not an exchange of any ‘energy’ but exchange of ‘information’
at the level of Higher Selves. (Editor’s comment)
pg 77 (TP-ebook)
‘The Fourth force had a very important role to play: it had to bring to fruition
all that the Spirit had imagined. It ‘inserted’ thus, an infinitesimal part of the Spirit
in the human body. This comprises what you could call the Astral body, which
forms one ninth of the essential human being and consists of one ninth of a
‘Higher-self’, which is sometimes called ‘overself'. The Higher-self of man is, in
other words, an entity which sends one ninth of itself into a human body, becoming the person’s Astral being. Other physical bodies are inhabited,
similarly, by other ninths of the same Higher-self and yet each part remains
integral to the central entity.1
‘Further, the Higher-self is a ninth part of a superior Higher-self which, in turn,
is a ninth part of a more superior Higher-self. The process continues as far back
as the source, and allows the enormous filtration of spiritual experience required
by the Spirit.
1. ‘central entity’ - it means that each of us shares a Higher Self with 8 other people on
Earth - explanation of the Author on Editor’s request.
2. What is known on Earth as Spiritual Healing, can be achieved with the help of the
Higher-self of the healer, without the patient being present. Providing the patient gives
permission, the competent healer can assist the patient from anywhere in the world.
(Author’s comment) This is not an exchange of any ‘energy’ but exchange of ‘information’
at the level of Higher Selves. (Editor’s comment)
Re: soul mate?
Looks like Tom has updated the comments? Or am I mistakensurvivor wrote:pg 77 (TP-ebook)
1. ‘central entity’ - it means that each of us shares a Higher Self with 8 other people on
Earth - explanation of the Author on Editor’s request.
2. What is known on Earth as Spiritual Healing, can be achieved with the help of the
Higher-self of the healer, without the patient being present. Providing the patient gives
permission, the competent healer can assist the patient from anywhere in the world.
(Author’s comment) This is not an exchange of any ‘energy’ but exchange of ‘information’
at the level of Higher Selves. (Editor’s comment)

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. -- Douglas Adams